Wednesday, February 25, 2009

You Capture

Beth's challenge was something you love, flashless. This cried out to the runner and vegetarian in me! It makes me happy right now. I'm odd like that.


Terri said...

Yum! Bananas
Great capture

Erin said...

Bananas always make me happy. They're pretty yellow, and they taste good. What's not to love?

Bacardi Mama said...

I'm so glad you did this. You are an awesome photographer.

Christy M. said...

I love bananas! Great capture!!

Beth at I Should Be Folding Laundry said...

Great capture!

4chalseys@blogger said...

That's a great shot with great color. I love the perspective or angle of the shot.

InTheFastLane said...

Love the bananas! What a good idea! And I am totally following your blog, fellow 4 season, runner, yoga-er, chocolate lover.

rosellafan said...

great picture! I love the colors...
rosellafan (Paula)

Unknown said...

mmmm bananas....good job!

The Animator's Wife said...

Yum. nice capture. people freak out around here when I am out-- we love 'em too!