Wednesday, March 4, 2009

You Capture - Perspective

This week I couldn't decide between these two photos.....

Hubby doing yoga:



Denné Boring said...

Your capture of your hubby doing is a really neat shot. Great idea.

Denné Boring said...

*yoga* sorry!

Bacardi Mama said...

The definition in hubby's abs are amazing. The food is a great shot too.

InTheFastLane said...

Who wouldn't take a picture of a guy that flexible :)

Lyndsay said...

Great pictures. Maybe when Beth's theme is "It's a Miracle" I can get my Hubby to join me on the yoga mat!

Crazy Babs said...

That much have been fun taking his picture like that... very cool!

mommy boo of two said...

boy is he limber...I thought you might use the food shot when you sent pics the other day. I need yours or Abby's help for the pic I would like to post.

Unknown said...

Wow! Crazy yoga shot! So cool!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I wish I could bend like that! Great pictures.

Allie said...

Great pictures! The food buffet looks very inviting.

Unknown said...

very unique, thank you for sharing...good job!

rosellafan said...

both are great shots!

rosellafan (Paula)

shunee said...

I love the food shot.