Wednesday, September 9, 2009

You Capture - Something New

I have to say, I would have loved this week's challenge. If I'd had some time to really work with it. But all I've got is this guy.

As I was loading bags into my vehicle on Saturday, this Praying Mantis landed on my door frame. And would not move. For five minutes. Just sat and posed for picture after picture. Not very artistic shots, but what are you going to do when a Praying Mantis lands on your door frame in the noon day sun? At least I can honestly say I've never photographed a Praying Mantis before.

I named him Zorak.

So, that's it for me. Go see what everyone else did over at Beth's.


Christy M. said...

I love praying mantises. Or is it praying manti? Heck, you did a great job with what you had to work with!! Nice captures!

Misty said...

That guy is pretty great though. These shots are good- esp. with his coloring... Good job!

Anonymous said...

OH.MY.GOODNESS! I love these pictures!

mommy boo of two said...

That's too funny. He must have really loved you car. Did you yell, 'die you orange whore!' at him? That probably would have made him move faster :)

Anonymous said...

Praying Mantis' are so cool. Nice shot!

Stefany said...

That is a cool looking guy there!

Heart2Heart said...

You know perhaps he was just hopping on over to wish you lots of blessings with all his prayers. I love these little guys when they unexpectedly in our backyard.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

Diana Lesjak said...

Can't go wrong here... very good luck!

Unknown said...

Well, I think "that guy" is pretty cool! Great job!

jaime said...

I like the praying mantis!! Great job getting so close (creatures freak me out - no matter how big or small!)

Frogmum said...

last one is great - agree with everyone - very cool!

Anjie said...

Zorak is pretty cool! Thanks for sharing.

Bacardi Mama said...

He's a cute little guy. Great captures. Love you!

Saj said...

Kind of creepy (I'm not much for bugs) but cool too! Love the name!

Laura said...

there was a praying mantis on my door recently too! very cool :)

Prairie Lady said...

I love praying mantis. Especially when you find a egg pod hatching.
Very cool.

Allison and Ben said...

Good job, I had a butterfly do that the other day, where was my camera.