Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I think my soul my be a bit atrophied from a lack of... I don't know. Happy? Stimulation? Use? Something. But I know that I used to be happier than I am now. I used to be better than I am now. And I know that the things that feed my soul, that make me happy (like, reallytruly happy), seem to be less and less of a presence in my life lately. And I know that the effect is not good. Not good at all.

But life is life, and it twists and turns and changes, and we must twist and turn and change with it. And the beauty of that is that if you don't like the way it twists, you can twist the other way.

But the problem with that is sometimes you can't twist the other way right away. There are responsibilities. There are bills. There are things that must be taken care of. There is life.

And right now, I think I'm kind of stuck in that place; that place where I know some things need to change, but right now, I can't do much about it.

Except hold on, and hope my soul can hold on, too. For just a little bit longer.


tell it to me tuesday


Jade @ Tasting Grace said...

Oh, I'm sorry you're in that place. I hope your chance to twist the other way is not far away, that you can at least see it on the horizon. It can be so hard sometimes. When you can see the chance for change, waiting is so hard. When you kind of want to change, it's so hard to get out of comfort, to get out of the known, even if it is a rut you don't like. Wherever your stuck place is, I hope you can get unstuck.

MaddyChristine Hope-Brokopp said...

You seem to always put down the words that are in my heart. In that way your blog is so comforting. I am so where you are at. I am in a season where I just hurt a lot, I can only hope my heart and soul can hold on and see it through. But it is tough. For me it's mostly about letting go of the familiar and trust that new things will come. For now it makes me very lonely and in pain. Life is tough at times, I hope we both enter a new and fresh season soon.

Anonymous said...

Hang on tight, eat more chocolate, and count down till U2. Thinking of you!

Corinne Cunningham said...

That place is a tough one, I know it well. Keep your mind open, and sometimes change comes sooner than you think it will.
Until then, that's what chocolate is for ;)

Heart2Heart said...

Praying that this time for you will be short and that praising God through it all will make the time pass more quickly for you.

Please stop by my blog today to meet a blogger in need of help!

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

Heidi said...

I really hope that soon you get a twist that results in Happy.

I am finding it easier now Spring is on it's way and the sun is breaking through the clouds. I hope the sun is shining on you too.

InTheFastLane said...

I think that sometimes we just journey through these times where all we can do is hold on because when we get to a better place we can really and truly feel the joy.

~L said...

Your positive attitude and rational thinking will get you far...with chocolate, of course.
peace today,