Wednesday, June 30, 2010

You Capture - Hand or Chair or Green

I had this picture all ready to go.

Then I walked past the dining nook and saw this.


See more at Beth's.


Amber D said...

Candy! one of my favorite things in the world, I like this pic.

Jade @ Tasting Grace said...

Awesome! I totally wanted to do a shot with hands, green, and chair - and then write "you choose" (because I'm a smart aleck that way), but I just didn't get it together. Great capture!

Bacardi Mama said...

The last one is perfect. Somehow, I knew you'd have candy in there though.

jaime said...

The second picture is perfect. Great job. :)

tiarastantrums said...

great shots of hands this week!

Unknown said...

Look at you with a green chair with hands on it!! Bonus points for you!!!! :D

Mendie said...

cool chair...good catch!

Terry Elisabeth said...

Useful and strong hands. :)

Stillmary said...

I really love the hands on the green chair! How creative! Of course the first one of the hand measuring out the chocolate(?) is really great too. Just not as clever.

Mandy England said...

I missed your's last week, but I also love these! Especially the coffee one. . . but you got all three themes in two pictures- props to you :]