Wednesday, January 12, 2011

little things

The telephone rang this morning, signaling what might be the latest ever snow day call. I didn't think about the fact that we are now out of built-in snow days; any more will be added on to the end of the year. I didn't get upset that I was already up and dressed and ready for the work day.

Instead, I said a little thank you to the snow day gods and opened a piece of chocolate. (Yep, early in the morning. I know!) And inside the wrapper it said "Happiness is celebrating the little things."

So I changed into sweatpants, made a mug of tea, took another (handful of) chocolate, and curled up on the sofa with my book. To celebrate.


Kirsten said...

Sounds like you made the right move. And sounds like a fabulous morning.

jaime said...

Sounds like a good day. We've been out of snow days for a while - they're now considering Saturday school. Fun times. :-(

InTheFastLane said...

I wish I had that day too....

Lyndsay said...

Sounds like a good day. Come join me on my couch... just make sure you bring chocolate - Hubs is feeding me salad for dinner.