Tuesday, February 15, 2011

you capture - warm

"Stressed spelled backwards is desserts. Coincidence? I think not."
- Anonymous


see more at Beth's


Amy @ Marvelous Mommy said...

Haha I love the quote!

C.G. Koens said...

Amen on the quote!! Lovely picture - now I'm hungry! ;-)

Stacia said...

Yum! And that teacup in the background makes it just about perfect. What time should I come over?? =>

Unknown said...

now those are warm and delish and look so yummy! plus now you made me want a cookie!

Jade @ Tasting Grace said...

Mmmm... COOKIES. And now I can make my own! YAY :)

Kirsten said...

Mmm. Those look yummy.

Jen said...

Oh yum! there's nothing better that warm cookies!

Gina Kleinworth said...

Who doesn't love a warm cookie?? I think that may be my favorite definition of warm.

jaime said...

oh YUM. And I love the quote!

Anastasia said...

You made me want to lick my laptop. (Thankfully I have enough self control not to do that.)

(But possibly not enough self control to keep me from going to make cookies now.)

Love your blog!

Susan said...

MMM warm cookies sound delish! (As well as having a warm oven in the kitchen to help heat the place up.)