Tuesday, March 8, 2011

you capture - body parts

It's kind of crazy to think about all the people who look at us during a typical day. It's maybe even crazier to think that each person who looks at us sees something different...

focuses on something we may not usually think about...

notices things we may not have noticed ourselves...

and yet, it's all still you.

What do people see when they look at me?


see more at Beth's


Stacia said...

I can tell from that first picture he's got a great smile!

Anonymous said...

Love it! Very creative take on the theme!

tiarastantrums said...

I imagine this is not you (hee hee)

Anonymous said...

Great shots. Love the last one.

C.G. Koens said...

Great shots and thoughts - so true! Sometimes I think we're harder on ourselves (wondering what other people are thinking of us) than other people are (mostly because they are busy thinking about you thinking about them!). However, I do love to look at my hubby and while I see all the good - ears, nose, eyes, smile - he just sees the weight he still needs to lose. It's all about perspective. :-)

Patricia said...

Such creative shots!!! Love them all!

Colleen said...

These are beautiful, especially the last shot. The hand is fun too!

Lyndsay said...

I love that he knows how to wear a scarf.

One Photo said...

I like your thoughts on this, how we all see things differently and pick up different details. Great photos.

Rebekah said...

I LOVE this post! All of it! It's not something I've really thought about but an interesting perspective.

Jade @ Tasting Grace said...

I really love that first photo!

Pam @ The Journey Leads Home said...

Very creative! I really enjoyed this week's theme. Looks like you did as well.

Feel free to swing by and check mine out as well. Here's the direct link to it: http://thejourneyleadshome.wordpress.com/2011/03/09/my-body-parts/

Pam @ The Journey Leads Home

Kristen Andrews said...

great shots!