Wednesday, September 14, 2011

how about them apples....

My brain can get so cluttered with thoughts and feelings and emotions and things I want to say and things I can't say and thing I should say and things I might say and things I need to do and things I have to do and things I want to do and things I should do and places I need to be and places I want to be and places I have to be and places I should be and people I want to see and people I need to see and people I have to see and people I should see that sometimes it's all I can do to make sure that, on the outside, everything looks fine.

Because sometimes, on the inside, it can feel like one slight misstep or one too-deep breath will cause everything to topple.

So I step carefully. And I breathe carefully. And I keep moving forward. And maybe go to Starbucks for some cocoa.

see more at Beth's


Stacia said...

How in the world did you get those apples stacked?? I hope they stay that way for you, figuratively at least! =>

tiarastantrums said...

how did you stack the apples (poke a stick in them??)

Jen Higgins said...

I'm wondering how you got those apples to stay stacked like that too!