Wednesday, January 25, 2012

he might be out to get me

So, you remember the Ancient Chinese Torture Sandals that were a "gift" from Hubby? The ones that hurt when I wear them? Well, Hubby went and got me a new gift. This one? A Bed of Nails.

The technical name is "Lotus Bed" which makes it sound all nice and pretty and relaxing. It even looks pretty and relaxing. Except that when any part of your exposed skin (or, let's face it, your clothed skin) happens to even barely graze one of those pretty little lotus blossoms, it feels like a hypodermic needle being plunged into said skin by some sadistic untrained nurse.

Much like the Torture Sandals, the Bed of Nails is meant to stimulate reflexology points and the flow of energy through the body and heal what ails you and all that. But really, it just hurts like hell. I'm slowly, carefully, painfully figuring out how, exactly, to use it without white-hot searing pain.

His intentions were good, I'm sure. Or at least that's what I'm choosing to believe. Because just when I think he might be trying to kill me, he'll turn around and make some sweet pea soup for dinner.

Maybe I should check the recipe. Just in case.

you capture


Stacia said...

The bright colors are deceiving. It looks downright friendly!

Jade @ Tasting Grace said...

Ummm...I don't know. Those do look pretty, until you mention having to touch them. Sharp and pointy, anywhere near skin, sounds like a dangerous prospect to me. And is it an actual in you gotta' lay down on them? Is he SURE this is supposed to help? I think I'd stick to the soup! :)

Lyndsay said...

Oooo! It's letting me comment today!!

Um. I really would be careful with that soup! ;)

What if you throw a blanket over the spiky things and then lie down? When you're used to that, try with a thinner sheet?

Maybe the idea is that it hurts so bad when you're on there that you feel FANTASTIC when it's over?

Tonya said...

Well, the lotus bed looks beautiful and colorful! Sounds scary though!

Jennifer said...

Beautiful but kinda scary. Good luck with that! LOL

Gina Kleinworth said...

WOW- look at that!!! The soup sounds good though!!

ToadMama said...

Forget the recipe. Look for arsenic residue and stuff like that. LOL

Really, it's the thought that counts. At least you had some convenient subject matter for this week's YC.

shellycoulter said...

YIKES! Nice picture...but, YIKES! That sounds awful!

Teresa said...

Well at least it's pretty. :-)

Unknown said...

to funny he sounds a lot like my hubby;) Great pictures.

Jenny K said...

Looks pretty, but I don't think I"d be using it! :)