Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I wish I could say....

I wish I could say just the exact right thing to make everything all better. To make things easier, happier, smoother. Not to get things back to the way they were, but actually make them better.

I wish I knew what to say to solve the problems. Really solve them, so that changes were made, instead of band-aids applied.

I wish I could say just exactly what I really and truly think, and what I really and truly mean. With no holds barred. But I know that wouldn't solve any problems at all.

So instead, I'll just keep my mouth shut.


tell it to me tuesdays


Jade @ Tasting Grace said...

Oh man, oh man. Me too. Probably totally different situations, but I wish that too. I wish I knew what to say to make things better, to fix things. I wish I could say what I really think. I wish I didn't have to keep my mouth shut.

But I do.

P.S. My word verification for this comment was "unsad". How apropos, no?
Good luck. I know how incredibly hard it is to keep our mouths shut when we have so much to say.

Jessica Monte said...

Oh, gosh, do I understand. I have a hard time with not saying the truth; so I stand back, say nothing and wait. The right words will come.

Bacardi Mama said...

I think this is something we all wish for. Love you.

Stacia said...

This reminds me of that John Mayer song "Say." I'm not a big fan of his, but I always think of those lyrics when I want to tell someone something and can't. Sometimes, it helps. But most times, I keep my mouth shut, too.

Heart2Heart said...

Oh how I have heard those thoughts echo in my own mind some days! You're right sometimes the best things to be said are nothing at all!

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

Heidi said...

I am so with you on this. To be able to find the right words would be such a gift.

mrs mediocrity said...

sometimes we just have to keep quiet and watch things unfold...sometimes we have to scream...sometimes just a whisper will do. it is knowing which one that is the hardest part.

Heidi said...

I love your blog and I hope you don't mind but I nominated you for the beautiful blogger award.


InTheFastLane said...

Sometimes words just make it worse...

Kirsten said...

Magic words to fix everything. Yeah. If you ever find them, be sure to share.

Anonymous said...

Say what you need to say. You're not the only one.....