Wednesday, February 24, 2010

You Capture - Shapes

These shapes are comforting to me. I feel comfortable here. Kind of love it here. Okay, I really love it here. And there's good food that I don't have to cook or clean up. And cookies. Goooood cookies. Hubby and I celebrate here; we celebrate things like "it's Saturday" or "I'd like to eat a really good cookie" or "I cleaned the bathroom this morning." This is a good place. These are good shapes. These shapes make me smile. I actually feel happier just looking at the pictures. And happier is good, I think.

See more shapes at Beth's.


Lindsey said...

At first I thought that was your table, and I was like "Wow, her table is so clean and shiny" and then I noticed there were lots of tables... but that fireplace looks so nice & cozy. I'd celebrate there too!

Heidi said...

That looks like a lovely place to celebrate, and more time should be dedicated to celebrating good cookies!

Melissa said...

I too thought it was your house...I love the fireplace shot, so many shapes there!

Sharon - Mom Generations said...

Soft, lovely, comforting shapes. And cookies are pretty good shapes, too! Yes?

koreen (aka: winn) said...

These chairs are awesome. I'm surprised... no cookie-shapes??? ;)

Heart2Heart said...

I can see how sitting by a warm fire would make anyone warmth and relaxed. Just the picture alone does this for me.

Be sure you stop by today for a last minute opportunity to participate in two giveaways for tomorrow.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

busygirl said...

so comforting - it makes me want to pull up a chair and good book!

Michelle said...

Happy is always good! Great capture!

Upstatemamma said...

That is awesome! What a great thing to capture. It is nice to have a place like that.

Lyndsay said...

Ahhhh... looks like a very cozy spot to sip a chai!

Anonymous said...

happier is always good :)

Stacia said...

Love the ambience you captured and the vibrant bursts of yellow. (I bet I'd love the shape of the cookie menu, too.) =>

jaime said...

Your photos look so pretty and relaxing.

Cathy said...

Happier is DEFINITELY good! Great take on the challenge!

Bacardi Mama said...

Happier is definitely good. Great captures.

ZDub said...

Happier is the best way to be.

Love the post.

Lena said...

Mmm cookies make any place better, and especially if they're GOOD cookies!
Wonderful shots.