Thursday, October 20, 2011

worth a thousand miles

There is this stretch of road that I run most weekends, and every time, I'm kind of bewildered at how lovely it is. And I always think that someday I should bring along the little point-and-shoot and document the journey.

One Saturday morning, I did...

And that is why I'll get up at the crack of dawn on a Saturday morning to go running.

you capture


Stacia said...

I love running in solitude. Looks wonderful! And, wow, those colors!

Anonymous said...

You have a beautiful view to take in during your run. What colors! I just love fall.

Stillmary said...

Wow! It does look inspiring. The colors in the tree line are stunning and I love the light through tree. Nice post as usual!

Lyndsay said...

Wow - those colors are fantastic!

Unknown said...

The photo of the fence and the gorgeous colored trees in the back is so beautiful!!

InTheFastLane said...

Love it especially with the fall colors. Sometimes, often actually, I wish I had a camera with me on my runs (although most of mine are done before there is actually in light out, now).