Wednesday, July 22, 2009

You Capture - Black and White

So, I think the point was to take a picture and use some kind of editing wizardry to make it a black and white photo. But, um, that's not what I did. See what everyone else did at Beth's.


Bacardi Mama said...

Okay, these are pretty cool. Great captures.

Prairie Lady said...

Great take on the challenge!

mommy boo of two said...

I dig it. Great job!

Kathleen said...

I think you are much more creative...thinking outside the box. That angle didn't even occur to me, though I wish it would have. Zebras, Oreos...there are lots of things that could have been done (not that zebras are plentiful around here!). I may have to redo this and steal your angle! ;-)

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Are these ink drawings? They are really cool.

Heart2Heart said...

Love this! I love the originality of taking something simple and keeping it so unique!

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

Amanda said...

I was thinking along those same lines...but my photos came out more like lines! These are great!

Mimi's Toes said...

You followed the instructions very well! These are great black & white pics. Sort of reminds me of licorice.

Unknown said...

I love people who think outside the box. Very cool : )